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Anatomical Illustrations

Brainstem and Thalamus


Audience: Undergraduate and medical students

Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski


This illustration was produced for a neuroanatomy course in the Biomedical Communications program. Intended to be used in an anatomy textbook, this didactic illustration communicates the major structures of the Brainstem and Thalamus, along with the location of the cranial nerves.



Print (textbook)


Tools used:

Adobe Photoshop CC

Adobe Illustrator CC


Completed on:

January 2017


References: Agur, Anne M. R. and Arthur F. Dalley. Melloni’s. 2009. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. Twelfth Edition. Page 740: brainstem and cerebellum. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.; Kiernan, J.A., Rajakumar, N. 2013. Barr’s The human nervous system: an anatomical viewpoint. Page 80-81: brain stem: external anatomy. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.; Nieuwenhuys, R. Voogd, J., and C. van Huijzen. 1981. The human central nervous system: a synopsis and atlas. Page 19, 22: gross anatomy. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

brainstem and thalamus

Overview and Anatomy of the Thalamus


Audience: Undergraduate and medical students

Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski and Prof. Shelley Wall


In collaboration with Lucas Lin and Stephanie Hung, this team project was an exercise in producing illustrations in a studio environment, where a different illustrator works on the design and conceptualization, preparation and rendering of a double-page spread intended for a neuroanatomy textbook. My role for this piece involved the rendering stage using references and drawings provided by Lucas, and vectors created by Stephanie.


Print (textbook)


Tools used:

Adobe Photoshop CC

Adobe Illustrator CC


Completed on:

January 2017

Overview and anatomy of th thalamus

Superior and Inferior
Mesenteric Arteries


Audience: Undergraduate and medical students

Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski


A linear illustration of the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and their branches. This illustration was drawn from anatomical specimens at Grant's Museum at the University of Toronto. 



Print (textbook)


Tools used:

Adobe Illustrator CC


Completed on:

November 2016


References: Agur, Anne M. R. and Arthur F. Dalley. Melloni’s. 2009. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. Twelfth Edition. Page 28-29: mesenteric arteries. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.; Frick, Hans, Benno Kummer and Reinhard Putz. 1988. Wolf-Heidegger’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. Fourth edition. Page 287-289: abdominal and pelvic viscera. Basel: S. Karger AG.; Melloni, June L., Ida Dox, H. Paul Melloni, and B. John Melloni. 1988. Melloni’s Illustrated Review of Human Anatomy. Page 140-145: intestines. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

superior and inferior mesenteric arteries
anterior view of the human skull
muscles of the foot

Carbon Dust


Audience: Undergraduate and medical students

Client: Prof. Dave Mazierski


Anterior view of the human skull, and the lateral view of the muscles of the foot. Both illustrations were drawn from anatomical models and specimens at Grant's Museum at the University of Toronto.



Print (textbook)


Tools used:

Carbon dust

Adobe Illustrator CC


Completed on:

October and December 2016


References: Agur, Anne M. R. and Arthur F. Dalley. Melloni’s. 2009. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. Twelfth Edition. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.; Frick, Hans, Benno Kummer and Reinhard Putz. 1988. Wolf-Heidegger’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. Fourth edition. Basel: S. Karger AG.; Melloni, June L., Ida Dox, H. Paul Melloni, and B. John Melloni. 1988. Melloni’s Illustrated Review of Human Anatomy. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

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